Shared Hosting vs VPS – Web Hosting Explained

In this Hostinger Academy video we’ll discuss two types of hosting; shared hosting and VPS (virtual private server). Having watched the video, you’ll better understand the differences between the two and will be able to make an educated choice on which is the right choice for you.
April 14 2021
I'm looking for a place where I can deploy a test NodeJS application and a React application. There's not a lot of code and no database connectivity. A fixed dedicated IP address is a requirement. Can I do this if I choose a shared web hosting plan or should I go for a virtual private server? CPU, disk space, speed requirement minimal, but there should the possibility to scale up.
May 19 2021
Hi Risto, Node.js is not supported on Hostinger's Shared and Cloud hosting packages. If you want to use Node.js, you can install this useful feature on one of our VPS plans! You can check them at