Hostinger Principles — Go Online With Hostinger

These principles are behaviors and skills we value in our colleagues.

Customer obsession

  • You start with the customer and work backwards.
  • You extensively research and strive to understand our customers better.
  • You work with great effort to earn and keep customer trust.


  • You care deeply about our customers and Hostinger's success.
  • You are passionate: committed in heart and mind.
  • You make decisions based on the long term.
  • You act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just your team. You never say "that's not my job".

Learn and be curious

  • You constantly learn and always seek to improve yourself.
  • You are curious about new possibilities and act to explore them.
  • It is in your nature to innovate.

Hire and develop the best

  • You always hire better people than yourself.
  • You keep only highly effective people.
  • Leaders develop leaders and take their role in coaching others seriously.
  • You help people to scale within the organization.

Highest standards

  • You strive for the highest standards; many may think these standards are excessively high.
  • You inspire others with your thirst for excellence.
  • You continually raise the bar and drive your team to deliver high-quality services.

Freedom and responsibility

  • You are self-motivated, self-aware, self-disciplined, and self-improving.
  • You don't wait or want to be told what to do.
  • You love freedom, and you deserve it.


  • You constantly ask yourself, "What is the best thing I can do today that will contribute to long-term success?"
  • You are good at using data to support your intuition and make decisions.
  • You think strategically and can articulate what you are and are not trying to do.

Bias toward action

  • Speed matters in business.
  • Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study.
  • You promote action-oriented behavior, rather than discussion-based work.

Courage and candidness

  • You say what you think, even if it is uncomfortable.
  • You give each other candid feedback and never wait to do so.
  • You make tough decisions without agonizing.
  • You question actions inconsistent with our principles.

Deliver results

  • You deliver results with the highest quality and in a timely fashion.
  • You recognize and celebrate achievements.