How Milla Computer Grew to 70+ Clients With Hostinger

As a web agency owner, Oscar needed a web host that offered the best value for his money. For him, essential features like site migration should come included at no extra cost. Learn how Hostinger has given him exactly what he’s looking for – thanks to all-inclusive pricing and feature-rich hosting.
Oscar Franco is the CEO of Milla Computer, a digital agency based in Mexico. After becoming unemployed during the pandemic, he started freelancing as a web developer.
As the pandemic forced SMEs to move online, Oscar’s business skyrocketed. Today, Milla Computer has over 70 active client websites – all hosted on Hostinger.
Oscar needed a hosting provider that met three criteria.
The first was reasonable pricing. After trying multiple web hosts, Oscar noticed some providers had drastically increased their prices after the initial promotional period. This was a huge drawback for him, as sudden price increases would negatively impact his long-term relationship with the clients.
“Some brands also charge extra for almost every single feature – even for services like website migration and SSL certificates,” he shared.
WordPress support was also essential for Oscar. He used the CMS almost exclusively to do his job, preferring it over website builders and coding from scratch.
“It’s like tortillas – you can buy them from the store or make them yourself, but you’ll pretty much get the same thing. The main difference is that buying from a shop is much quicker. It’s the same with WordPress. We need software that’s intuitive, flexible, and fast at delivering our projects, and that’s what WordPress is,” said Oscar.
Finally, he needed a web host with an easy website migration service. Oscar preferred having all his clients’ websites on one platform to save money. If a customer already hosted their site with another provider, he would offer to migrate it for them.
Unfortunately, many clients feared that transferring their website elsewhere would cause losing their files and data. A web host with a quick and seamless migration process could further help Oscar reassure his prospects that their sites were in the safest hands.
When Oscar searched for the best hosting company online, he saw many sites talking about Hostinger. After reading some comparison reviews with similarly-priced providers, he realized how much more value he’d get for his money if he picked our services.
He decided to go with the Business Web Hosting plan, which is great for agencies with growing clientele. It offers 200 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth, and up to 100 websites and domain-based email addresses. Moreover, it lets Oscar install WordPress easily to build his clients’ sites.
Out of all the features, unlimited free SSL certificates were a major highlight for Oscar.
“I used to install SSLs manually. I once asked a Customer Success agent if I could get an SSL certificate for my website, left the chat open, and started doing other tasks. Then I found out that he had already installed it for me and explained how it can be done automatically right on hPanel!” Oscar shared.
Today, new Hostinger clients get pre-installed SSLs for all domains and subdomains once they’re added to their hosting account – so there’s less workload during the website setup.
Oscar also noticed how easy hPanel is to use compared to other hosting control panels.
hPanel demo
Take a tour around hPanel and see for yourself how easy it is to manage your website.
For Oscar, the migration process to Hostinger has been effortless. “There has been no issue with moving websites so far, and I have zero complaints. I usually have a contract ready for clients to reassure them that nothing will happen to their website so they’d feel confident about me handling the transfer.”
To move a website to Hostinger, simply make a migration request on hPanel, fill out some information, and our Customer Success team will take care of everything from start to finish.
As a business owner, Oscar appreciates how responsive Hostinger’s Customer Success team is.
Our Customer Success agents live across the globe and are available via live chat 24/7. Moreover, our team speaks ten more languages – don’t worry if you are uncomfortable describing your issues in English.
Thanks to Hostinger’s all-inclusive pricing and feature-rich hosting, Oscar can now run Milla Computer without compromising his budget. Whenever he has new clients, he always recommends they migrate to Hostinger.
“I have some clients who started with another provider and were on the fence about moving their websites. I told them that with Hostinger, I could offer services at a much lower price than I would with other providers. One site would only cost them $150 (MX$2700), which is much more affordable than the standard pricing,” said Oscar.
Oscar is the embodiment of Hostinger’s mission – empowering users to build success online. With Milla Computer, he can be his own boss and make a living out of his passion.
“I wish everyone could do what they’re truly passionate about and not what they’re obligated to do. Someone passionate can be a professional, but a professional isn’t always passionate about what they do. You can see it in your expression and attitude – when you like what you do, everything becomes more pleasant.”
Learning about Oscar’s growth as a developer and entrepreneur have made us beam with pride. Whatever Milla Computer is up to next, Hostinger will be ready to support it.