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Hostinger Listed #1 Web Hosting Provider in 2021

We’re thrilled to announce that Hostinger has been listed as the #1 web hosting provider in 2021 by and! Both channels are known as the top websites …


Ieva T.

Jun 20, 2024

Hostinger is Recommended by Neil Patel as the Best Web Hosting Provider in 2021
Hostinger is Recommended by Neil Patel as the Best Web Hosting Provider in 2021

Neil Patel is a New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and top web influencer. Forbes acknowledges him as one of the top 10 marketers, President Obama recognizes him as …

Hostinger’s DNA: How Are We Nourishing a Multicultural Environment?
Hostinger’s DNA: How Are We Nourishing a Multicultural Environment?

In the past few years, Hostinger has grown into a company with over 1 thousand employees, all spread across 35 countries. Even before the pandemic, global remote working was …

Minecraft From Hostinger Employees’ Point of View: Imagination Is the Only Limit
Minecraft From Hostinger Employees’ Point of View: Imagination Is the Only Limit

Think of Minecraft as virtual Lego. However, here your white Lego block can easily become green, red, blue, or any other color in just a moment. There are no limits restricting yo…

Hostinger Listed #1 Web Hosting Provider in 2021
Hostinger Listed #1 Web Hosting Provider in 2021

We’re thrilled to announce that Hostinger has been listed as the #1 web hosting provider in 2021 by and! Both channels are known as the top websites …

When Is A Startup No Longer A Startup?
When Is A Startup No Longer A Startup?

There is something snazzy about being called a startup. What comes to mind first? Flexible working schedules, unicorns, colorful open offices, pizza parties, and free snacks, or m…

What Does Customer Loyalty Mean to Hostinger?
What Does Customer Loyalty Mean to Hostinger?

In the context of business, customer loyalty is defined as a company's ability to retain customers and compel them to maintain a relationship with it. The phrase “customer loyalty…

Building a Website in 5 Minutes
Building a Website in 5 Minutes

Even though we appreciate humor, when it comes to hosting and building websites, we’re not messing around. For many years, building a website was seen as a privilege not accessible…

How to Stay Inspired as a Web Designer
How to Stay Inspired as a Web Designer

Do you sometimes feel drained and out of ideas? Great – this means you’re a real designer. It is impossible to stay always inspired. Every designer you know loses inspiration prett…

Presenting UX Ideas to Designers in Their Language
Presenting UX Ideas to Designers in Their Language

Have you ever had a fantastic UX idea that you thought would improve your product but it was never implemented because when you talked to the designers no one could understand what…

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