Member since Jun 2023
Gediminas is a communications specialist passionate about technologies and their possibilities. His main responsibility is to help people understand Hostinger products and their features. He likes spending his free time bathing in the hot tub, grilling, playing poker, fishing, and other activities.
For your business, hobby, or blog to create value online, it must be accessible. That's what our 99.9% uptime guarantee is all about. What does this commitment mean, how do we …
Delivering fast, secure, and reliable hosting for your websites – be it an online shop, a blog, or a business showcase – is at the heart of everything we do. We invest heavily …
Give your customers in the US and Southern Canada an even better experience and faster speed by choosing our newly launched data center location in Boston, Massachusetts. That …
With around 60 thousand free plugins and well over 20 thousand themes, WordPress is one of the most flexible content management systems in the world. But there is a downside to ha…
Even a few minutes of website downtime can result in lost revenue and frustrated customers. With over three million WordPress installations at Hostinger, we strive to ensure yo…
Generate nearly any type of content for your website. Control its length and tone. Improve your click-through-rates (CTR) with a captivating meta description. You can do it all wi…
You only need a name, a website type, and a short description to get a website with Hostinger's AI-powered website builder. The most recent update ensures that every website AI ge…
It only takes a few clicks to make a website with Hostinger Website Builder, even if you are a beginner with no coding skills. Now, the builder is even more accessible and easy…
Quality content helps you attract more visitors and keep them engaged. Luckily, you don’t have to be a copywriter or hire one to publish lots of great content on your website. Lea…
Of the multiple challenges organizations face today, a significant proportion is related to people—their productivity, performance, engagement, growth, and well-being. Traditional…
In August 2024, Hostinger surpassed its 3 million client base. With more and more customers trusting us, we are nudged to look for innovative solutions that can ensure our growth …
Remember that meeting where a minor issue sparked a never-ending debate, and in the end, everyone forgot what they were arguing about? Or the hours spent discussing a new company …