Member since Jan 2022
Duncan is obsessed with making website building and eCommerce accessible to everyone. He explains the best tools and the latest digital marketing trends in ways that are clear and engaging. His focus is on supporting the sustainable growth of small to medium-sized enterprises. When not writing, he enjoys deep sea fishing and endurance cycling.
Pivoting from in-house design work to launching their own creative agency, Devyn Grammar and Dino Valdez have the antidote to branding woes. Spotting the need for full-sp…
In our latest Hostinger Academy podcast, we speak to the Executive Director of the WordPress project Josepha Haden Chomphosy about how careful and conscious community building is …
You're reading this on the internet that's currently home to an estimated 1.9 billion websites. That's billion with a "B". Weirdly enough, though, it's not all that long since the…
Of the multiple challenges organizations face today, a significant proportion is related to people—their productivity, performance, engagement, growth, and well-being. Traditional…
In August 2024, Hostinger surpassed its 3 million client base. With more and more customers trusting us, we are nudged to look for innovative solutions that can ensure our growth …
Remember that meeting where a minor issue sparked a never-ending debate, and in the end, everyone forgot what they were arguing about? Or the hours spent discussing a new company …